International Activities

JIPA & IPEJ Joint Symposium on Int'l Green Technology Transfer

The "Symposium on International Green Technology Transfer --From concept to implementation of WIPO GREEN--" was held under the joint sponsorship of the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan (IPEJ) and JIPA at Hibiya Convention Hall on June 30, 2014.
This was an event focused on WIPO GREEN in which about 120 people including JIPA members and professional engineers participated and made discussions from a variety of perspectives.

In the first half, lecture session, Mr. Koji Nakano, Environment Bureau, Industrial Science and Technology Policy of METI; Mr. Takayuki Otani Global Environment Bureau of Ministry of the Environment; and Mr. Tsuyoshi Furuya of UNIDO gave invited lectures on the efforts of the Japanese Government and UN agencies on green technology transfer to developing countries including the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and the Green Industry Platform. Subsequently, Mr. Suwa, JIPA”Ēs WIPO GREEN PJ sub-leader, introduced and described the future development of WIPO GREEN and Mr. Hiroshi Onoda, Waseda Environmental Institute, who is also a technical provider of WIPO GREEN, made a proposal for the advancement of a resource recycling-based society.

In the second half, discussion section, Mr. Suwa, Mr. Onoda, Mr. Nishizawa of IPEJ, and Mr. Ueno, JIPA WIPO GREEN PJ leader, discussed, under the moderation of Mr. Eiji Komatsu of IPEJ, anticipated contribution to and development of WIPO Green. Frank opinions were presented on the current issues whereas questions were asked actively one after another from the floor, and the discussions continued beyond the scheduled duration.

There were also a large number of participants in the social gathering after the closing of the Symposium. IP departments have usually few contacts with professional engineers and had a very meaningful opportunity to communicate with them.

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