JIPA Representatives’ visit to Indonesia
From January 14 to 18, 2018, Southeast Asia WG, Asia Project of JIPA sent a 6 member representative delegation led by Vice President Mr. Bekku (Nissan) to the following 6 Indonesian IP-related organizations, and made proposals and requests for improvement in IP-related issues in Indonesia raised by JIPA members. The delegation to Indonesia has been conducted for the second consecutive years, since many JIPA members were interested in the country according to the survey.
<Delegation visited>
Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), Customs, Supreme Court, National Police, Indonesian Association of Intellectual Property Consultant (Asosiasi Konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual(AKHKI)), Indonesia Anti-Counterfeiting Society(Masyarakat Indonesia Anti Pemalsuan(MIAP))
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[Update 2018-03-22 ]