
10月度 東西部会/The Regional Division's Monthly Meeting in October

  1. 専門委員会報告/JIPA Expert Committees Reports
    1. 「商標のプレゼンス及び実務者のキャリアに関する検討」
      副委員長 鶴見 卓史 氏(株式会社日清製粉グループ本社)
    2. 「最新の秘密管理のポイント −日常の管理からテレワーク・副業まで−」
      委員長 湯澤 啓介 氏(株式会社神戸製鋼所)
  2. 海外賛助会員による情報提供/JIPA Foregin Associate Members
    1. 「中国意匠類否判断--侵害訴訟における類否判断を中心に/Judgment of Similarity or Dissimilarity for Chinese Designs -- Focusing on the Judgment of Similarity or Dissimilarity in Infringement Litigation」
      敖蓮(アオ レン)氏、国際部/Ao Lian, Patent Attorney(ご質問等はこちら
      本稿では中国での意匠権侵害訴訟における類否判断について説明します。内容として、1)意匠制度の概要及び最新動向、2)意匠の類否判断 から展開します。特に、2)について、意匠の保護範囲の確定、類否判断の主体、類否判断の規則等を詳細に説明します。


        This presentation will explain the judgment of similarity/dissimilarity in design infringement suits in China. The contents of the presentation will cover 1) the outline of the design system and the latest trends, and 2) the judgment on similarity/dissimilarity of designs. Notably, in 2), we will give a detailed explanation of the determination of the scope of design protection, the subject matter, and rules for determining the similarity/ dissimilarity, etc.
    2. 「中国商標審査状況/Trademark Examination Status in China」
      北京品源知識産権代理有限公司Beyond Attorneys At Law(中国)
      朴 秀玉 氏、日本駐在代表、弁護士・弁理士/Xiuyu PIAO, Partner, Patent Attorney, Representative in Japan(ご質問等はこちら


        As the Chinese government attaches more importance to intellectual property, the number of trademark applications has been increasing every year, which has led to several problems. In this presentation, I would like to explain the new examination trend of the Chinese Trademark Office by using trademark statistics and examination cases.
    3. 「最新(2021年度)米国最高裁知財判決の解説/Review of major US patent law decisions of 2021」
      ポールヘイスティングス LLPPaul Hastings LLP(米国)
      萩原 弘之 氏/Hiroyuki Hagiwara, Partner - Paul Hastings Tokyo(ご質問等はこちら
      本ウェビナは、ベテランの知財ライセンス・訴訟弁護士である萩原弘之が、2021年の米国知財紛争に関わる米国最高裁の重要判決(PTABの行政特許審判官の任命に関するUnited States v. Arthrex 及びAssignor Estoppelの法理に関するMinerva Surgical v. Hologic)について解説致します。


        Paul Hastings Tokyo partner Hiroyuki Hagiwara will review US Supreme Court decisions, United States v. Anthrrex and Minerva Surgical v. Hologic both of which were decided in 2021.
    4. 様々な登録様式による商品の保護法:3D商標と意匠Product protection through different registration modalities: 3D trademarks and design
      イセルン特許商標事務所ISERN PATENTES Y MARCAS(スペイン)
      アナ・カサス 氏/Ana Casas, IP Lawyer(ご質問等はこちら


         Comparison of the two legal figures emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Additionally, during this video conference, will evaluate some cases about the convenience of registering an industrial design or a 3dimensional trademark depending on the business project to be protected.
      Analyze the duration of legal life of each of the legal figures and the impact they have on business decisions (for example registration of a 3d form as a design and as a trademark)


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